Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Our First Wedding Anniversary

Our wedding a year ago...

I can't believe a year ago today Aaron and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple. Our wedding was the best day of our lives. This year has been the best year of our lives and we feel so blessed to have each other as husband and wife. I'm so thankful for Aaron and what an amazing husband he has been to me. He is so loving and supportive. He always tells me how much he loves me and how pretty he thinks I am. Aaron works so hard for our little family. He really is the smartest person and hardest worker I have ever met. He is really such a great dentist and I'm grateful he was able to develop his talents. One of my favorite things (among many) about our marriage is we laugh so much and we are silly together every day. We laugh so hard we often cry or are rolling on the floor. I really believe laughter is good for the soul and a marriage. I feel so blessed to be in such a happy, laughter filled marriage. Aaron is the first thing I am thankful for in my prayers. Okay now I'm done being sappy. Happy 1st Anniversary Aaron Radmall, I'm excited for an infinity more of them:)

We always love an excuse to give eachother gifts...I gave Aaron a video game and a new hat!

Aaron spoiled me with a new scrapbook, a scrapbook of our wedding, hair products and a huge book on my favorite subject The Universe...

Aaron's new hat...

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