Saturday, June 14, 2014


When I was pregnant with Peyton I remember being really fatigued first trimester but over all it was a total breeze! Not so with this pregnancy! I was SO sick for 17 weeks and once the throwing up was over I have just been achy and exhausted 24/7! I guess it makes a difference that I have the world's most active (but cutest) 23 month old. I have a lot of mixed emotions now that I only have 5 weeks until my due date. One side of me just wants my normal body back (tired of constant braxton hicks contractions, not being able to breath, oh and I'd like my six pack back to please) and to not be pregnant only more. The other side of me remembers all to clearly the harsh fact that tacking care of an infant is exhausting (and now with a toddler in the mix...gah!). What was I thinking! Side funny Dr. told me in 30 years of practice he had never had a woman in her third trimester who he had to dig through ab muscles to find her uterus and the baby...I guess all those gym visits and eating healthy have paid off... I can't believe in five weeks I'll have another one of these cute things...Is it possible to be so excited and yet so terrified all at the same time? I guess it is...

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