Thursday, February 2, 2012

We're Having A Baby!

Well Happy New Year...a month late! And what a big year 2012 is going to be. WAY back in August of last year Aaron and I said to each other, "Hey we want a baby, they are adorably cute, we'd make a fantastic looking child...We should try..." Fast forward two months later and I have a little baby growing in me! So as of next week I am seventeen weeks prego...due July 14. We couldn't be more excited to be parents. I've been DISGUSTINGLY lucky...I mean freakishly lucky, no morning sickness or any horrible symptoms. Just the good symptoms like great hair, nails, and skin. I was exhausted beyond belief the first trimester (sleeping 15-16 hours a day) but I love sleeping so I didn't view that as necessarily a negative symptom. Now that I am in the second trimester I'm not nearly so tired, though I do need nap time a few times a week, I basically have energy to burn. I have no belly to really picture yet, though I am growing, just very slowly. I am in love and obsessed with the little megatron (boy) or lady bug (girl) growing inside of me. If I had it my way I would be in the Dr.'s office every day watching the baby's acrobatic performances (who knew my uterus was so roomy?). Aaron and I are so excited for July and can't wait to meet our little megatron or lady bug!

About two to three weeks prego!

About three months prego in this picture!

Four months pregnant!

How I told Aaron the exciting news!

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